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CX Lessons Learned From Studying 200M Conversations on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to help you get head of the 2021 holiday rush

Leverage automation to help customers help themselves

80% of brand interactions are repeat inquiries better suited for self-serve 35% of total BFCM 2020 brand interactions were “Where Is My Order” (WISMO) at our 3 largest retail/ecommerce clients

80% brand interactions are repeat inquiries better suited for self-serve

35% total BFCM 2020 brand interactions were “Where Is My Order” (WISMO)

Prepare for interaction spikes that start before BFCM and last through the holidays

Number of times the chat was opened


Your CX has to be scalable enough to handle these interaction spikes without sacrificing on brand promises. Hiring seasonal agents or contractors is expensive and inefficient, and temporary hires will not be as familiar with your brand voice and brand promise.

The lines between "brand" and "customer experience" are all but dissolved, and if your business isn’t acknowledging this, you're at risk of disappointing customers and not living up to your brand promise.

Prioritize chat over other kinds of brand interactions


of consumers say that being able to message a business helps them feel more confident about the brand


of businesses who responded to customer chats within 5 minutes were more likely to convert the customer

20B+ messages exchanged between people and businesses each month on Messenger

Customers want to have the same conversations with your brand online that they can get at an in-store customer service, such as making style or sizing recommendations, notifying them of a sale, helping with returns or exchanges, or assisting during checkout. Chat can make that happen.

Meet customers on smartphones and social networks

Customers are becoming increasingly adept at using smartphones to find what they need and make a purchase. They don’t have time to wait for email answers in their moment of need or decision-making—and they definitely won’t deal with obtuse or unintuitive experiences.

The easier you make it for customers to get what they need, the more likely they are to keep coming back.

Traffic from Mobile devices for ECommerce by year (2020 peaked at 71%)

Engaged Count
Mobile Conversation
Mobile %

Check out the full report for more data points from Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2020